
公司簡介       Fujian Begrand Electronics & Technology Co., LTD. is located in Fuzhou Software Park. It is a
professional company that specializes in the development, manufacturing and sales of electric
monitoring equipment, wireless sensors and RFID-related products ,Complete Low-Voltage Switchgear Products and offers customers with reliable solutions of a high performance-price ratio.   
Two Utility Model Patents Awarded by the St…
GB/T24001-2004/ISO14001:2004 Certification
GB/T24001-2004/ISO14001:2004 Annual Certifi…
GB/T19001-2008/ISO9001:2008 Certification
GB/T19001-2008/ISO9001:2008 Annual Certific…
ADD:No.59 Building,C Area,Fuzhou Software Park,No.89 Software RD.,Fuzhou,Fujian,China
EMAIL:[email protected]
Home About us Product News Recruitment Contact
 TEL:86-591-87861159 FAX:86-591-87891237  Fu Zhou Da Guang Electronic Technology Co.,Ltd
ADD:2/F.,Building 59,Area C,Fuzhou software Park,No.89 Software RD.,Fuzhou,Fujian,China DESIGN:www.yiliancn.com
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